Designer, researcher and strategic thinker —

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Selected work —

 Thoughts —

How do you perfect creativity in a corporation? Answer: you don’t.3 things I learned about building a culture of creativity in a mega-organisation.More  →

A lesson on making progress with two mindsets

3 things I learned about building a culture of creativity in a mega-organisation.

How to find inspiration in the creative desert of remote work

A helpful reminder about re-connecting with our creativity in our home working circumstances.

About me —

Currently based in Melbourne, Australia.

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I love finding new ways to use design to drive positive outcomes for people and organisations. To me, being a designer means having a toolkit to build empathy, facilitate collaborative innovation and bring ideas to life whilst keeping a watchful eye on the ways technology can change our lives for the better. 

In 2007 I graduated in Cultural Studies (a critical approach to understanding complexly patterned ways of life) and I’ve been fascinated in the way people think and behave ever since. Over the past 14 years I’ve worked in San Francisco, London and Melbourne at agencies and in-house teams, helping organisations make sense of complex problem spaces and deliver impactful products and services. 

I especially enjoy getting stuck into the ambiguous early phase of a project, using ethnographic research and inclusive workshop facilitation with cross-functional teams to build clarity and direction. From there, I have extensive experience crafting thought-provoking prototypes and coaching teams to deliver validated and measurable solutions that make life better for people.